Friday 11 July 2008

Dog meat off for Olympics

Recognising the squeamish nature of the typical western running dogs of capitalist imperialism the Chinese authorities have ordered restaurants to take dog meat dishes off the menu for the duration of the upcoming Olympics.

Report here

However, don't worry dog lovers, if you are really determined to get into the multi-culti Olympic spirit of things, you can do it yourself with these delicious easy to follow recipes

China: olympics round up

Yes folks it'll soon be the olympics, You know that quadrannual event where the whole world gets to pat itself on the back for being such a tolerant multi-culti paradise. As usual America will take the most gold medals, except in swimming which Australia will win since they practice by racing against great white sharks and the Chinese will win the most medals in the creative drug use sports.

This year the Olympics are to be held in that wonderful paragon of human-rights so beloved by moonbats; the Peoples Republic of China (apparently they don't like just plain old China because it reminds people of teapots, the well known symbol which denotes insanity). So concerned are the authorities that everything should go swimmingly that they've embarked on a little (well, quite a lot actually) spring-roll cleaning of religious nutters and and other types of pond scum.

religious nutters

pond scum

Climate Change, it's the sun, stupid

As the group of mentally retarded shitferbrains who have inexplicably risen to become the leaders of the world attempt to re-initiate global warming by producing vast clouds of vapid hot-air at G8, the climate refuses to play along (where's king Canute when you need him?).

public not being told the truth about global warming

igloo building classes anyone?

Tuesday 8 July 2008

farc, hostages and ngo's

"It may have taken years for army intelligence to infiltrate the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, and it may have been tough to convincingly impersonate rebels. But what seems to have been a walk in the park was getting the FARC to believe that an NGO was providing resources to help it in the dirty work of ferrying captives to a new location."

as mentioned in an earlier post
farc were fooled into handing over the hostages by Che t-shirt wearing special forces posing as personel from an ngo. here's an article examining exactly what this tells us about the cozy relationship that exists between these humanitarian organisations and terrorists.

never trust anybody wearing a che t-shirt or any ngo's.

.. ..

Melanie Phillips on Obama, islamisation and al Dura

the incomparable Melanie Philips has been busy over the last few days. here's a round up of her latest articles.

change you can, er, believe in

sleepwalking into islamisation
Dail Mail, 8 July 2000

the silence of complicity
Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 2008

It's just amazing isn't it? How moonbats always get everything 180ยบ wrong. In Britain Melanie is known on the left as Mad Mel.
Surely anybody who is the even tiniest bit short of stark raving loco can see that she is actually one of the few sane people on the planet.

Sunday 6 July 2008

daddy yankee for vice president?


despite strenuous denial by unnamed but reliable sources close to the throbbing heart of the McCain camp, rumours stubbornly persist regarding a possible collaboration between the Repubclican nominee for the oval office, John McCain, and the influential latino superstar Daddy Yankee, in order, apparently, to attempt to shore up the flagging immigrant and youth vote, as well as Republicans disaffected with McCain's energy policy.

however, a secret working draught video of the upcoming McCampaign ad. has emerged.

hordes of uppity hippy tree huggers assault arrow corps 5


raving moonbats viciously attack innocent boy scouts horror

police say they were stoned

some hippes can get pretty mean when riled

warning: grand-parental guidance advisable

a musical celebration of the dollar's 223rd anniversary

the mighty buck, still sprightly at 223 years old today: a musical history

history ...

Today 6 july is the 223rd anniversary of the US dollar. Ever wondered where that bling bling symbol "$" so beloved by rappers came from? And and who the jiminy came up with the ridiculous name?

and music ...

Some people (usually known as moonbats) believe that money, especially the dollar, is the root of all evil and misery. The myth that it can't buy love is widespread amongst the poor and feeble-minded the world over who think the dollar sucks worse than a komodo dragon.
But no matter whether you choose to call them bucks or
greenbacks, d
ollars can be cool and grooveee.

happy birthday spondoolicks


Saturday 5 July 2008

Diana West: Geert Wilders: Prisoner of Islam

article + video

"By Diana West
THE HAGUE, The Netherlands — Having run the polite-but-grim gauntlet of Dutch government security to gain access to Geert Wilders, I finally understood what the 24-hour security requirements of the man's continued existence really mean: To make the survival of Western-style liberty in the Netherlands his political cause, this Dutch parliamentarian has to live under high-tech lock and key.

This stunning paradox, with no end in sight, illustrates how far political freedom in the West has already eroded. Think of it: For writing about the repressive ideology of Islam, for arguing against the inequities of Sharia (Islamic law), for making a video ("Fitna”) to warn about Islamic jihad, Wilders lives in his own non-Islamic country under a specifically Islamic death threat ...." continued

So here's Wilders video too: fitna

and how about ****the original****

Melanie Phillips: Judges, Sharia and the Law

Melanie Phillips: what part of theocracy does this man not understand?

"Admitting that he knew little about sharia law, Lord Phillips said he had taken advice in Oman and that as a result of this (clearly highly partial and inadequate) briefing he was able to state:

I understand that it is not the case that for a Muslim to lead his or her life in accordance with these principles will be in conflict with the requirements of the law in this country.

But how can that possibly be the case.......

Oman huh? Just the sort of country all freedom loving democracies should be emirulating.

time for a toon; My Sharia More

Ezra Levant on TV : Liberals, Children and Swastikas

Today I was invited on CTV's Newsnet to debate a startling story about a Winnipeg mom who had her child seized by the government, because she went to school with a swastika drawn on her arm.

I was asked to speak to the freedom of speech/parents' rights point of view; Jonathan Rosenthal was asked to promote the state's right to seize the child.

I thought we started off okay; I gave a minute-long argument, in which I said I disagree with white supremacists, but having odious political views is neither a crime in itself, nor a legal reason to break up families.

Rosenthal came back with a denunciation of white supremacism. Sure -- no disagreement from me, there. But then Rosenthal went a little screwy -- bringing my own family into it. Weird.

He said he thought my wife ought to recommend that I take "counselling". For disagreeing with him! ... continued

Actually some people are getting right royally pissed off by all this liberal prejudice against swastikas claiming it is nothing more than vile racist hinduphobia.

Hands off our sacred Swastika” must be the loudest roar of the followers of Vedic or Hindu Dharma and all its sects all over the world to save the divinity, purity, auspiciousness, serenity, prestige and position Swastika holds in human race, after the German members of European Parliament called for the total ban on the use of Swastika all over Europe in protest of Prince Harry’s provocation of international outrage by wearing Nazi outfits with a swastika arm band in a private fancy dress party"........

Friday 4 July 2008

flabslab's 4th July music video game

Ladies Gen'lemen and flabsters, a late night music video quiz. Which songs have the following states in their title?. Betcha can't name the song and the artist.






Any other suggestions?