Saturday 5 July 2008

Ezra Levant on TV : Liberals, Children and Swastikas

Today I was invited on CTV's Newsnet to debate a startling story about a Winnipeg mom who had her child seized by the government, because she went to school with a swastika drawn on her arm.

I was asked to speak to the freedom of speech/parents' rights point of view; Jonathan Rosenthal was asked to promote the state's right to seize the child.

I thought we started off okay; I gave a minute-long argument, in which I said I disagree with white supremacists, but having odious political views is neither a crime in itself, nor a legal reason to break up families.

Rosenthal came back with a denunciation of white supremacism. Sure -- no disagreement from me, there. But then Rosenthal went a little screwy -- bringing my own family into it. Weird.

He said he thought my wife ought to recommend that I take "counselling". For disagreeing with him! ... continued

Actually some people are getting right royally pissed off by all this liberal prejudice against swastikas claiming it is nothing more than vile racist hinduphobia.

Hands off our sacred Swastika” must be the loudest roar of the followers of Vedic or Hindu Dharma and all its sects all over the world to save the divinity, purity, auspiciousness, serenity, prestige and position Swastika holds in human race, after the German members of European Parliament called for the total ban on the use of Swastika all over Europe in protest of Prince Harry’s provocation of international outrage by wearing Nazi outfits with a swastika arm band in a private fancy dress party"........

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