Tuesday 1 July 2008

Curious Case of Accident Prone French Shooter

This article from the Times gives a few more interesting details on the mass shooting in France. The French authorities, all the way up to Sarko, are insisting that it was merely an unfortunate work accident but look at these curious inconsistencies.

""Investigators are studying extensive video of the incident. The sergeant could be seen rapidly reloading his rifle from pockets full of the 25-bullet clips that slot into the Famas rifle, the standard French infantry assault weapon.

Former members from the regiment said yesterday that they could not understand how the sergeant could have fired live rounds accidentally. When blanks are fired a lever has to be pulled on the Famas to enable it to shoot bursts without bullets leaving the rifle, they said. “It you use real rounds with this on, the weapon would explode,” a former parachutist said. ""

So he had his rifle set for live ammo, too. But then there's this.

""Prosecutors said that the sergeant, a veteran of an elite regiment who had an unblemished record, had mistakenly inserted a magazine of live rounds in his standard assault weapon after emptying a first magazine of blanks in the exercise, which he was conducting with seven other soldiers.""

Zoot alors! So he not only accidentally loaded live ammo but he also, accidentally, of course, changed the settings on his rifle when reloading. And where did he get this live ammo anyway?

“These bullets came from ammunition that was left over from an exercise in late June,” he said.

"“He should not have have these rounds with him. That is why he has been detained. It was a blunder, a human error, a major imprudence, but there was no intention to cause harm,” he added""

Sacre bleu! So he accidentally obtained the ammo a few days before obliviously pumping it into a bunch of bystanders. All totally perfectly absolutely understandably unintentionally of course.

Where's Inspector Clousseau when France needs him?.....Dumb de Dumb .......

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